A Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee was set up in 2014 for providing an entrepreneur friendly legal bankruptcy framework for meeting global standards for improving the ease of doing business with necessary judicial capacity. Accordingly, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016, became operational in 2016. The Code aims to promote entrepreneurship, availability of credit, and balance the interests of all the stakeholders by consolidating and amending the laws relating to reorganisation and insolvency resolution of corporate persons, partnership firms and individuals. It is being implemented by ministry of corporate affairs.
Who is the grandmother of Z?
Which of the following statements is/are definitely correct?
Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are from two generations and four married couple. V and T are married couples. P is father in law of U, who is s...
If 'L@M' means L is spouse of M. L#M means L is sister of M. L$M means L is brother of M. L%M means L is son of M. If 'P % Q @ R $ S # T % U' is true, t...
How is S related to Q?
How is M related to J?
In a family of five persons, Reeva is the sister of Abhilash. Vijay is the brother-in-law of Abhilash. Pihu is the daughter of Vijay. Suresh is the fath...
How is O related to H?
Read the directions carefully and answer the following questions.
‘X * Y’ means X is father of Y,
‘X # Y’ means X is...
If P is the only son of J’s sister. O is the only daughter-in-law of W. J is married to O. B is the daughter of W, who is the grandmother of R, who i...