The scheme was announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on May 18 2020. On 31st May 2020. The top 100 universities were permitted to automatically start online courses via the PM eVidya scheme. This scheme is a part of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan the scheme launched in the hopes to boost the levels of the education sector and not let the pandemic affect the education of the students in any way. The finance minister also mentioned that Sawyam Prabha DTH channel would support students who do not have any access to the internet. Pradhan Mantri e-VIDYA is a programme that will provide multimode access to digital education. Under this scheme, many educational channels, radio podcasts, e-learning content are commencing. It will consist of: DIKSHA for school education in all the states/UTs One designated TV channel per class from class 1st to 12th Use of Radio, podcasts, and Community Radio Special e-content for visually and hearing impaired. Top 100 universities were allowed to conduct their online classes.
Steel is used to make a hemispherical bowl that is 0.37 cm thick. The bow's inner radius is 6 cm. Find the bowl's outside curved surface.
If the volume and radius of a cylinder is 24640 cm3 and 28 cm respectively then find the height of the cylinder?
If 3 vertices of a parallelogram ABCD are A (1, 2, 3), B (-1, -2, -1) and C (2, 3, 2) (taken in order), then the 4th vertex D is
The base of a right pyramid is a square with diagonal 16 units. Its slant edge is 17 units. What is its vertical height?
A solid cube of side 8 cm is dropped into a rectangular container of length 16 cm, breadth 8 cm and height 15 cm which is partly filled with water. If t...
In a right-angled triangle PQR, right-angled at Q, the length of the side PR is 17 units, length of the base QR is 8 units, and length of the side PQ i...
In AABC, P is a point on AB such that PB: AP = 3: 4 and PQ is parallel to AC. If AR and QS are perpendicular to PC and QS = 9 cm, what is the length (in...
Each side of square ‘A’ is 4 cm less than that of square ‘B’. The perimeter of a rectangle is 3 times the difference of the perimeters of the tw...
When a smaller number divides a larger number, we get a quotient of 6 and a remainder of 5. Find the smaller number if the difference between the two nu...
A wire is moulded into a circle of radius 21 m. Then the wire is bent and shaped into a rectangle of length 36 m. Find the area of the rectangle thus fo...