PSL in Education Loans- Education loans include loans and advances granted to only individuals for educational purposes up to Rs. 10 lakhs for studies in India and Rs. 20 lakhs for studies abroad, and do not include those granted to institutions. Regional rural banks, co-operative banks and small finance banks have to allocate 75% of total Credit to PSL.
In a certain coded language 'DRUM' is coded as 'AOVI' and 'VARY' is coded as 'UBOU', then what is the code of ' AUTO '?
" kd " is code for which of the following?
In a certain code language ‘SNAIL’ is written as ‘RMBJK’ and ‘RIGHT’ is written as ‘QJFGS’. How is ‘NIVEA’ written in that code? Â...
In a certain code language ‘THEATRE’ is coded as ‘VJGCVTG’ then, what is the code for ‘SUNSET’ in the same code language?
...In a certain code 'PROCESS' is written as '#+751$$' and 'INTO' is written as '*2%7'. How is ' OPTION ' written in that code?
If ‘PSDIFTUSB’ is coded as ‘SP4JG20TR2’ and ‘DBMDVMBUF’ is coded as ‘BD13EW13AT6’ then, what is the code for ‘EJGGFSFOU’ in the sam...
In a certain code language, 'PANELS' is coded as 'QALEOS' and 'IMAGES' is coded as ‘JMYGHS’, then 'DEFINE' will be coded as ____ in the same code la...
In a certain code language, 'lp fg th' means 'feedback queries customer', 'fg pr mf' means 'feedback care support' and 'pq lp sx, means 'service queries...
Which of the following is coded as ‘fin ker rpk’?
In a certain code language ‘SHINE’ is written as ‘ITIFO’ and ‘PRIVATE’ is written as ‘JSQVFUB’. How is &...