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Statement 1 is correct - Firms that are both small (less than 100 workers) and older than ten years are categorized as dwarfs firms. Statement 2 is correct - The dwarf firms account for half of all the firms in organized manufacturing by number. Hence, Despite the dominance of dwarf firms in economy their share in Net Value Added (NVA) or productivity and employment is very small (i.e 7.6%). In contrast, young, large firms (firms that have more than 100 employees and are not more than 10 years old) account for only 5.5% of firms by number but their contribution to the economy is higher than dwarf firms i.e (21.2% of the employment and 37.2% of the NVA). Firms that are able to grow over time to become large are the biggest contributors to employment and productivity in the economy. Statement III is not correct - Dwarfs that remain small despite becoming older remain the lowest contributors to employment and productivity in the economy.
choose the option which represents a pair of either synonyms or antonyms.
Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
In each of the following questions, three out of four words given have the same meaning. Mark the number as your answer which is different in meaning f...
Select the option whose spelling is incorrect.
His new book is a big hit; it’s really taken off.
What is the synonym for the word "avarice"?
His courageous actions saved many lives.