According to the CMIE, what was the Labour force participation rate in rural India between January to April 2022?
Economic research think-tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) has estimated that labour participation rate (LPR) was higher in rural India during the period January to April 2022. LPR, defined as the number of persons of the labour force employed as a percentage of working age population, is 40.9 in rural India as compared to 37.4 in urban India during the period January to April 2022.
How is P related to N?
If Chotu is Motu's brother, Chota is Motu's father, Gotu is Chota's father and Fatu is Gotu's father, how is Gotu related to Chotu?
Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
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If ‘P#Q’ means ‘P is father of Q’ ‘P@Q’ means ‘P is daughter of Q’ ‘P$Q’ means ‘P is son of Q’ ‘P%Q’ means ‘P is mother of...
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