It was launched on 29th June 2020. It is a part of Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. It is a centrally sponsored scheme. The share of expenditure under the PM FME scheme is as follows: 60:40 between the central government and state governments and UTS with the legislature 90:10 between central and North Eastern and Himalayan states 100 percent central assistance for UTs without legislatures. It will run for five years – 2020-21 to 2024-25. The central government will bear the expenditure for the first year irrespective of who incurs it; later will be adjusted in the ratio mentioned above; in the next four years.
Which of the following activity is a part of the Secondary sector of economic activities?
Which organism is known to help reduce air pollution?
Which of the following is NOT a part of the hind-brain?
Karsondas Mulji and Dadoba Pandurang were associated with ________, which worked against evils like caste system and encouraged widow remarriage.
In the plant kingdom, 'Ferns and Fern allies' belong to which group?
In MS-Word 2016, the ‘Aa' feature within the Font group of the Home tab represents the ________ option.
What was the venue of the 22nd National Conference on e-Governance 2019?
Which country has hosted the most editions of the Asian Games?
What is the currency of Malaysia?
Astana Cup is related to which of the following sports?