Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program (AIBP): o To concentrate on speedier fulfilment of continuous Major and Medium Irrigation including National Projects. Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP): o Creation of new water sources through minor water system (both surface and groundwater) o Repair, reclamation, and redesign of conventional water bodies o Charge range advancement o Fortifying and production of dispersion organized from sources to the ranch and o Creating and rejuvenating traditional water storage systems like Jal Mandir (Gujarat); Khatri, Kuhl (H.P.); Zabo (Nagaland); Eri, Ooranis (T.N.); Dongs (Assam); Katas, Bandhas (Odisha and M.P.), etc. at feasible locations. Per Drop More Crop (PDMC): o Improving the efficiency of water usage by various initiatives like precision water application devices, construction of micro-irrigation structures to supplement source creation activities including tube wells and dug wells, etc Watershed Development (WD): o Ridge territory treatment, seepage line treatment, soil and dampness protection, water reaping and other watershed intercessions.
Humpty opened a workshop investing Rs.80,000. He invested additional amount of Rs.10,000 every year. After two years his friend Bunty joined him with a...
"Amit, Bheem, and Chintu began a business with initial investments of Rs. 6,000, Rs. 9,000, and Rs. 15,000, respectively. After o...
Rajni borrowed Rs. 1,500 from a bank and repaid the entire amount with interest in two equal annual installments, the first instalment being paid a year...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business by investing certain sum in the ratio 2:3, respectively for 6 years. If 30% of the total profit i...
A and B invested Rs.4000 and Rs.8000 in a business respectively and after 5 months B withdrawn 50% of his initial investment and again after 5 months he...
A, B and C enter into a partnership with a capital in which A’s contribution is Rs. 10,000. If out of a total profit of Rs. 2000, A gets Rs. 800 a...
Two partners, Amit and Ben, initiated a business with investments of Rs. 'P + 10' and Rs. 'P,' respectively. After 'm' months, Chetan joined them with a...
Pooja and Meena are partners in a business. Pooja (working) puts in Rs. 6000 and Meena (sleeping) puts in Rs. 4000. Pooja receives 20% of the profit for...
‘A’ started a business with the investment of Rs. 12000. After ‘x’ months and after 3 months from starting ‘B’ and &...
Determine the initial investment made by 'Adam' if both 'Adam' and 'Zampa' jointly invested Rs. 7000 in a startup business. After 7 months, 'Adam' added...