As part of AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan stimulus package, the Department has launched Animal Husbandry infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF). AHIDF facilitates for incentivisation of investments in establishment of infrastructure for dairy and meat processing and value addition infrastructure, and establishment of animal feed plants by the Farmers Producer Organisation (FPO), individual entrepreneurs, MSMEs, Section 8 companies and private companies. The scheme envisages up to 90 per cent bank loan with minimum of 10 per cent margin money by the borrower to establish dairy processing and value addition infrastructure, meat processing and value addition infrastructure and establishment of animal feed plant. Under this scheme, the Central Government will provide 3 per cent interest subvention to the borrower and also credit guarantee up to 25 per cent of total borrowing. The borrower will get benefit of two years moratorium of loan re-payment and six years of re-payment period thereafter.
इनमें से 'ऐहिक' का विलोम शब्द है :
आज ( 1) विद्यालय ( 2) के ( 3) निरीक्षक ( 4) आए ( 5) हैं ( 6) । प्रस्तुत ...
“ बच्चे बस से स्कूल जाते हैं। “ वाक्य में कौन सा कारक है।
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सूची 1 को सूची 2 से सुमेलित कीजिए और सूचियों के नीचे दि...
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