Net Invisibles is the difference between the value of exports and value of imports of invisibles of a country in a given period of time. Invisibles include services, transfers and flows of income that take place between different countries. Services trade includes both factor and non-factor income. Factor income includes net international earnings on factors of production (like labour, land and capital). Non-factor income is net sale of service products like shipping, banking, tourism, software services, etc.
_________is a formula for rust.
Which of the following is the hardest mineral?
Which of the following is an example of a colloidal solution?
Which is the best fire-extinguisher?
Naphthalene balls, commonly used as a pest repellent, are derived from which source?
What is the chemical name for baking soda?
Which chemical compound is commonly known as Pearl Ash?
What is the chemical name of baking soda?
Terylene is a condensation polymer of ethylene glycol and which acid?
In which form is iron ore primarily found in nature?