The ‘Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme (PMSS)’ ’ is being implemented to encourage technical and post-graduate education for the widows and wards of the deceased/ex-service personnel of Armed Forces. The scheme is funded out of National Defence Fund administered by Prime Minister’s Office. Scholarships are available for education at various technical institutions (medical, dental, veterinary, engineering, MBA, MCA and other equivalent technical institutions having AICTE/UGC approval). The Scheme was introduced in 2006. Five thousand five hundred (5500) scholarships are being awarded annually under this scheme. The amount of scholarships was Rs.2,000/- for boys and Rs.2,250/- for the girls per month and is paid annually. This has now been increased to Rs.2,500/- per month for boys and Rs.3,000/- per month for girls w.e.f. FY 2019-20. The payment is made through ECS into the bank account of the selected students. The scheme migrated from offline to online mode with effect from Academic Year 2016-17. The Scheme is managed by the Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB).
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वाक्य संरचना का सही क्रम ...
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प्रारम्भ से लेकर अन्त तक
'क्षुद्र' का विलोम शब्द क्या होगा?
दिए गए शब्द के पर्याय के लिए चार चार विकल्प दिए गए हैं। उचि...
हाथोंहाथ’ में किस प्रकार का समास है?
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शब्दानुक्रम में सही वाक्य है
साहित्यिक अपभ्रंश को पुरानी हिंदी किसने कहा था?