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Scholarships for Higher Education for Young Achievers Scheme (SHREYAS) is an umbrella scheme which comprises four central sector sub-schemes. They are: i ) Top Class Education for SCs ii) Free Coaching Scheme for SCs and OBCs iii) National Overseas Scheme for SCs iv) National Fellowship for SCs.
How many such pairs are there in the word DECORATE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
How many such pairs of letter in the word DUPLICATE, each of which has as many letters between them in the word(in both forward and backward directions ...
How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘SULPHATE’, which have as many letters between them (both forward and backward) in the word as in th...
How many such pair(s) of letters are in the word “ENQUIRY” which has as many letters between them (both forward and backward) as in the English alph...
How many such pair(s) of letters are in the word “CONFIDENTIAL” which has as many letters between them (both forward and backward) as in the English...
If the digits in the number “ 73962548” are arranged in such a way that all the odd numbers are arranged first in ascending order and then all the ...
When the digits, which are odd in the number ‘4586353485’ are decreased by 2 and the remaining digits are increased by 1, then what is the sum of 4t...
If Q denotes ‘×’; R denotes ‘-‘; T denotes ‘÷‘; and W denotes ‘+‘; then –
20 R...
How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 713286549 (both forward and backward directions), each which has many digits between them as in th...
Digital fingerprinting compares a sample of an audio or video clip to what to determine if it's copyrighted?