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The Survey notes that 65 per cent (2021 data) of the country's population lives in the rural areas and 47 per cent of the population is dependent on agriculture for livelihood.
APEDA stands for:
The gynophores of groundnut is commonly referred to as
Which mushroom is most viable throughout the world wide whose commercial cultivation has already attained a Hi-tech status and comprises more than 70% o...
What are the genes responsible for dwarfness in wheat ?
The bulk density of sandy soil is about 1.6 g/cc. what is the approximate value of bulk density for organic matter
Arrangement of soil particles is referred to ..............?
The ability of a microorganism to cause disease is called........................?
According to the botanical classification cashew belongs to which family among the following:
Critical period of crop weed competition in wheat plant is ______
Wheat and Barley cultivation started in which year?