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The features of Amrit Dharohar scheme encompass promoting the unique conservation values of wetlands including their optimal use for enhancing biodiversity, carbon stock, ecotourism opportunities and income generation for local communities. The objectives inter-alia are integrated management of such wetlands for green growth, developing nature and culture-based tourism at the sites, community stewardship for wetland based livelihood, heritage, and culture, building convergence with different Ministries and departments, State Governments, Research and academic institutions and Industrial Sector, over the next three years across the country.
A car is pursuing a bike that is 220 km away. The bike travels at a speed of 15 km/hr, while the car travels at three times the speed of the bike. How l...
A train has to cover a distance of 120 km in 10 hours. If it covers half journey in 3/5th time, then the speed of covering the remaining dist...
A person travels from point A to point B at a speed of 60 km/h and returns to point A at a speed of 80 km/h. He spends 2 hours less on the return journe...
A boy is traveling to a destination. If he moves at a speed of 20 meters per second, he arrives 20 seconds late. Conversely, if his speed is 40 meters p...
If the speed of Train A is six times to that of Train B and takes 15 hours less than Train A. Find the speed of Train B if the distance travelled by the...
Ajay and Vishal left the place ‘X’ with different speeds which are in the ratio 4:3 respectively. Ajay left the place 36 seconds after Vishal. If af...
A cyclist travelled for the first 100 km at a certain speed in 4 hours. After that, the speed of the cyclist decreased by 3 km/h. If the cyclist took a ...
A goods train and a passenger trains are running on parallel tracks in the same direction.The driver of the goods train observes that the passenger tra...
A train crosses a pole in 12 sec, and a bridge of length 170 m in 36 sec. Then the speed of the train is:
A person crosses a 1600 m long street in 4 min. What is his speed (in km/h)?