Union Finance Minister announced the first budget in Amrit Kaal will be guided by seven priorities that complement each other and act as the ‘Saptarishi’. 1) Inclusive Development 2) Reaching the Last Mile 3) Infrastructure and Investment 4) Unleashing the Potential 5) Green Growth 6) Youth Power 7) Financial Sector
____________ memory is sometimes used to increase the speed of processing by making current programs and data available to the CPU at a rapid rate.
Which of the following connections makes use of phone lines, which carry digital signals instead of analog signals?
Match the abbreviations with their correct full forms:
(a) CPU
(b) PROM
(c) DRAM
(d) PCB
1. Central Processing Unit
Select from the following Is Not Available On The Ruler Of MS Word Screen ?
In Fourth Generation Computer which type of Storage devices is used?
What type of software application is Microsoft Word?
The process of loading the operating system into RAM is termed:
Which of the following is used to locate resource on web?
The shortcut control + semicolon is used to enter which of the following in Excel?
What is the primary function of a web browser?