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Explanation: The eligibility criteria for the "Top Class Education for SCs" sub-scheme include SC students with a total family income ceiling of 8 lakhs per annum. This allows economically disadvantaged SC students to benefit from the program.
x + y means x is a brother of y
x – y means x is a daughter of y
x × y means x is a sister of y
x ÷ y means x...
Which of the answer figure is the text mirror image of the given problem figure when the mirror is held vertically at the left side of the figure?
...In the following question, select the missing number from the given series.
451, 472, 493, 514, ?, 556
After arranging the given words according to dictionary order, which word will come at 'Fourth' position?
1. Wheel
2. Wheat
Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word.
Lazy : Hard-working : : Wealthy : ?
If C = 24 and HOT = 38, then FEAR = ?
In a certain code language, 'PQRS' is written as "HIJK'. How will 'XYZA' be written as in the same coding language?
A statement is followed by two conclusions, numbered I and II. Find out which of the following conclusion(s) is/are true based on the given statements.<...
In a code language, tomato is called brinjal, brinjal is called radish, radish is called cabbage and cabbage is called okra. Which one of the following ...
If 7 * 5 @ 10 # 20 = 370 and 4 * 3 @ 5 # 30 = 90, then
2 * 3 @ 4 # 5 = ?