Average of four numbers is 16. Sum of smallest and largest number is 48. If difference between other two numbers is 2, then find the square of second sm...
The average score of a group of 12 students in a math exam is 75. If the highest score, which is 95, is removed from the average, what will be the new a...
30 students go for a picnic. 15 of them spent Rs. 60 each on their food and rest spent Rs 5 more than the average expenditure of all 30. What was the to...
The certain sum amounts to Rs11313.5 in 2(1/2) years at 12% p.a., interest compounded 10 months. The sum (in Rs) is:
Average run scored by a batsman in 14 innings is 80. In next 6 innings, he scored runs with an average of ‘x’ so that his overall average increases ...
The average expenditure of a man for the first 4 month is Rs.4000 and for the next 8 months is Rs.6000. If he saves 11000 in that year then find his ave...
The average number of books sold by Viren in first 5 months is 4200 and in first 6 months is 5000. If the number of books sold by him in 7th ...
Average of 20 numbers is 90. Average of first 8 numbers is 103 while average of last nine numbers is 40. If ninth number is 25% less than the tenth numb...
5 positive numbers are written on a piece of paper. Sum of first 3 numbers is 60 and ratio of the 4th and the 5th number is 2:3. If difference between t...
The average age of 32 children and their teacher's age are 28 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 1. What is the teacher's age?