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Project PARI focuses on beautifying Delhi and highlighting India's cultural richness through public art displays.
People's participation in an extension programme considered significant when
(A) Local leaders participate
(B) Literate section of village...
Photosynthetically active radiation comes under which of the following special wavelength:
National Institute of Agriculture Marketing (NIAM) is located at
Browning or hollow stem of cauliflower is primarily caused by:
The following are the active constituents of papaverum somniferum
(i) Calatropin (ii) Codein (iii) Papavarine (iv) Hyocyamine
For the farmers, ___________________________ Soil structure is favourable for plant growth.
Which of the following crop is considered as host plant for striga weed?
Arabian Jasmine (mallige) species is
ICRISAT was established in the year
Among these crops, which one requires high temperature, light rainfall, approximately 210 frost-free days, and ample sunshine?