The Ministry of Home Affairs is not directly involved in the implementation of BBBP.
What is the official currency of the United Arab Emirates, subdivided into 100 fils?
Re-location of endangered or rare species from their natural habitat to protected areas equipped for their protection and preservation is called -
What is the name of Baramde or hall made for worship by a large number of devotees in Hindu temples?
Which of the following is/are True statements about Durand Cup Trophy Tour?
1. The tournament was scheduled to commence at Kolkata from 03 Aug...
The NFSA 2013 legally entitles upto ________ of the rural population and ________ of the urban population to receive subsidized foodgrains under Targete...
When was the Securities and Exchange Board of India established?
What is the name of the Ganga cleanup program launched in 2014?
What of is the minimum number employees employed by an establishment functioning without the aid of power and is registered under the Cooperative Societ...
Jaundice is caused due to malfunctioning of:
Which of the following is the folk dance of Goa?