CIL ASHIS initiative provides scholarships to children who lost their parents to COVID-19.
15 years ago, the average age of all the 80 teachers of the college was 50 years. 8 years ago, the principal has retired from her post at the age of 60 ...
The average wage of a group of 44 labourers is Rs. 250. If 4 persons receiving average wage of Rs. 275 leave the group and 2 persons receiving average w...
The average weight of 4 persons is 30 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 24 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...
The average temperature of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is 50°. The average temperature for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is 60°....
Anil bought 27 notebooks for Rs.1280 from shop A and 20 notebooks for Rs.1211 from shop B. What is the average price he paid per book?
The average age of P, Q, and R is 22 years. Two years ago, the sum of the ages of P and Q was 5 years less than the age of R. Find the present age of R.
The average salary of Anil for the January to October is Rs.68000. He got Rs. 60000 in January and Rs.75000 in Nov. The average salary for the months o...
30 students go for a picnic. 15 of them spent Rs. 64 each on their food and rest spent Rs.5 more than the average expenditure of all 30. What was the to...
The average of 25 numbers is 40. If 2 is added to each number, then the new average will be:
The average age of 32 children and their teacher's age are 28 years. If the teacher's age is excluded, the average reduces by 1. What is the teacher's age?