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Government has announced a Centrally Sponsored Scheme namely, “New India Literacy Programme” (NILP) for implementation during five years from 2022-23 to 2026-27. The programme aims to cover a target of 5.00 crore learners during the five years under Foundational Literacy and Numeracy component. The programme has five objectives: (i) Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, (ii) Critical Life Skills, (iii) Vocational Skills Development, (iv) Basic Education and (v) Continuing Education.
The courier boy informed that he will __________ the parcel by evening.
(A) Convey (B) remit ...
Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
He obtained 80% marks in Science in High School. He has qualified_______the science str...
In the following question, a sentence is given having two blanks in it followed by 5 options. Each option contains a pair of words. Choose the option w...
The law actually _____ the practice of child labour_____ specifying (certain) works for which children below 14 years of age can ...
The professor _______________ over just one point for full two hours.
Select the most appropriate homophone to fill in the blank.
In many road accidents people break their bones mainly because their vehicle __...
Ashok delivered the ____________ at his mother’s memorial service.
"The scientist’s groundbreaking research on renewable energy sources was hailed as a major _______ in the field of environmental science."
The following statements have two blanks which are to be filled in with options given below. Choose the correct combination of words in the same order ...
I opened the bag and packed the boots in; and then, just as I was ______ to close it, a horrible idea ________ to me.