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National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has launched Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) in 57 Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) from the academic session 2023-24 throughout the country. This is a flagship programme of NCTE under NEP 2020. ITEP, as notified on 26 October 2021, is a 4 Year dual-major holistic undergraduate degree offering B.A. B.Ed./ B. Sc. B. Ed. and B.Com. B.Ed. This course will prepare teachers for the 4 stages of the new school structure i.e. Foundational, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary (5+3+3+4). The programme is being offered in pilot mode initially in reputed Central/State Government Universities/Institutions. ITEP will be available for all students who choose teaching as a profession after Secondary, by choice. This integrated course will benefit students since they will save one year by finishing the course in 4 years rather than the customary 5 years required by the present B.Ed. plan. Admission for the same will be carried out by the National Testing Agency (NTA) through the National Common Entrance Test (NCET).
Who recommends the minimum support prices for crops?
Sweet potato aphid attacks mainly on ................................?
By which of the following processes water enter into seed coat first when a dry seed is placed in a suitable medium for germination?
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Bajra is very popular crop in rainfed and drought prone areas.
Statement II: Sesamum is prima...
Which of the following is an objective/visual extension teaching method?
The factor for conversion of ppm to kg/ha is:
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How is the change in pH of soil cover time due to rainfall?
Rubber research institute is established at