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National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has launched Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) in 57 Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) from the academic session 2023-24 throughout the country. This is a flagship programme of NCTE under NEP 2020. ITEP, as notified on 26 October 2021, is a 4 Year dual-major holistic undergraduate degree offering B.A. B.Ed./ B. Sc. B. Ed. and B.Com. B.Ed. This course will prepare teachers for the 4 stages of the new school structure i.e. Foundational, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary (5+3+3+4). The programme is being offered in pilot mode initially in reputed Central/State Government Universities/Institutions. ITEP will be available for all students who choose teaching as a profession after Secondary, by choice. This integrated course will benefit students since they will save one year by finishing the course in 4 years rather than the customary 5 years required by the present B.Ed. plan. Admission for the same will be carried out by the National Testing Agency (NTA) through the National Common Entrance Test (NCET).
How many kilograms of rice cost Rs. 60 per kg? must be mixed with 24 kg. of rice costing Rs. 42 per kg. so that there may be a gain of 12% by selling th...
A shopkeeper sold an article at a discount of 11%. If he had given a discount of 6% in place of 11%, then he would have earned Rs. 112 more. If the cost...
A shopkeeper sold an article at profit of 10%. Had he bought it at 10% less and sold it for Rs. 3 more, then he would have earned a profit of 25%. Find ...
A shopkeeper marked the price of a laptop bag 125% higher than its cost price. He then sold the bag after applying three consecut...
A shopkeeper sold a school bag at a profit of 55%. Had he sold the school bag at 35% profit he would have earned Rs.188 less. Find the cost price of the...
The profit earned when article is sold for Rs. 1280 is 23 times of the loss incurred when it is sold for Rs. 800.Find the CP?
A reduction of 20% in the price of rice enables a customer to purchase 125 kg more for Rs.8,000. What is the original price of rice
A person buys 12 eggs for Rs.15 and sells them at 10 for Rs14. What does he gain or loss%?
The cost price of 20 mangoes is Rs.120. Because of bad quality of mangoes, the shopkeeper has to sell mangoes at a loss that is equal to selling price o...
A shopkeeper sold an article after giving a discount of 20% and made a profit of Rs. 80. Find the marked price of the article if cost price of the artic...