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Ministry of Education releases All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) 2020-2021 Enrollment in higher education increases to 4.14 crore, crossing the 4 crore mark for first time; increase of 7.5% from 2019-20 and 21% from 2014-15 Female enrollment reaches 2 crore mark, increase of 13 Lakh from 2019-20 Significant increase of 28% in enrolment of SC students and 38% in enrolment of Female SC Students in 2020-21, compared to 2014-15. Substantial increase of 47% in enrolment of ST students and 63.4% increase in the enrolment of Female ST Students in 2020-21, compared to 2014-15. Significant increase of 32% in OBC Student enrolment and 39% in Female OBC Students, since 2014-15.
In the question given below, some sentences/phrases are given which have to be arranged in a proper sequence. Select the option that best defines the p...
1. The Indian Meteorological Department
P. that the coming
Q. monsoon would
R. announced on Thursday
S. “mostly l...
1. There was no
P. were already terrified
Q. dwarfs because they
R. need for the
S. giant to glower at the
6. of his huge size.
Sentences of a paragraph are given in jumbled order. The first and last sentences (S1 and S6) are given. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to f...
Which of the following would be the FIRST statement after rearrangement?
Which of the following is the first sentence of the passage?
Which should be the third sentence after rearrangement?
Given below are six sentences. A and F are the first and the last sentences. The rest of the sentences namely B, C, D and E are jumbled. Select the opt...
1. In Tamil,
P. Kathadi means kite,
Q. when the ocean is
R. and I figure out
S. your best landmark,
6. any surprise is possible.
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
A. It is impossible to reach the space as there is ...