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Without wage indexation, lower unemployment increases wages which in turn increases price. If there is wage indexation, then this increase in price will further increase the wages which then again increase the price. This will lead to second round effect on inflation. Thus inflation increases further.
Match list I with list II
……………………………………also known as proprietary audits, a primary organization evaluates the
performance of a supplier or c...
In the context of poultry, which breed is known for its high egg production, making it the most prolific egg-producing breed in the world?
Counter stain used in gram staining is ________.
Seed rate for soybean
Match List I with List II
The Indian Cooperative Societies Act 1912, ___________ defined cooperative as a society to promote economic interests of the members by Co-operative pr...
Suitable inter crops for autumn planted sugarcane
Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal usually occur during the period.
India got its first clean street food hub at