How many digits are required to write first 500 natural numbers?
Two numbers P and Q are in the respective ratio 7: 9 and their sum is 80. Then, P is equal to:
Find the third proportion of 30 and 15.
How many numbers up to 800 are divisible by both 3 and 5?
The raw material cost of an article is 1/3 of its manufacture cost. If the cost of manufacturing is decreased in the ratio of 4 : 3 and the cost of it...
Which of the following is a Prime Number?
³√64/√64 ÷ √(225/81) x ³√125 is equal to:
The sum of (p/q)+(q/r)+(r/s)+(s/t) = (239/60). The value of ‘q’ is one less than the value of ‘s’. The average of ‘p’ and ‘s’ is 4. The ...
If the sum of two numbers is 33 and their difference is 15, the smaller number is