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The correct answer is B
How many persons are not facing south?
Which of the following is true?
Six people- T, U, V, W, X and Y are sit along a linear row and face in the north direction. U sits third to the left of W. Neither U nor W sits along th...
What is the position of E with respect to D?
D likes which of the colour?
How many seats are between M and S when counted from the left of S?
Which of the following is the correct position of A?
Who among the following sits 3rd to the right of the one who likes Lucknow?
Who is sitting second to the left of L?
Seven people Ian, Jen, Kia, Lex, Mia, Nia and Oji, are sitting in a straight row, facing the north. Only five people sit to the left of Mia. Jen sits th...