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Uttarakhand Khadi and Village Industries Board has 4 subordinate regional offices, which of the following is not one of them?
Which day is observed as National Technology Day?
In which year the Banking Regulation Act was amended for regulation of cooperative banks?
Jhum Cultivation is mainly followed in which of the states?
Regarding the Tapi River, select the correct statement(s):
Match the following Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Space centres with their respective location.
Space Centres Location
(i) ...
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. WMA were introduced to meet the long-term fund requirement of the central government
B. U...
Dachigam National Park is situated at which of the following states?
चि Ÿाौडगढ़ की किस रानी ने बादषाह हुमायूँ से मदद माँगी थी -
When kept in air for some time, a layer of green colored basic carbonate forms on the metal, that metal is ___________________ .