Statement a is false. A rise in the price of a fixed input increases a firm's total costs, even though it cannot alter the quantity of this input that it uses in the short run. As its total cost for each output level increases, the average cost of each output level increases, so its SAC curve shifts upwards.
Cauliflorous bearing habit i.e fruits are borne on trunk and branches, is found in which horticultural crop?
The application of gibberellic acid in horticulture is primarily used to:
Fairy ring spot of lawn is due to ____
In Mango, tree banding is the preventive method used to control
L-49 also known as Sardar is a selection from which variety of guava?
Which fruit is most suitable for Jelly making ?
Browning in cauliflower is due to deficiency of
Which of the following vegetable crop is rich in Vitamin C?
The milling and polishing of raw rice reduces riboflavin by
Scooping is a special operation done in which of the following vegetable crop?