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The arithmetic mean of the two regression coefficients is greater than or equal to r which is equal to the Geometric Mean of the two regression coefficients.
Consider the following statements regarding the Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme-
I.Sovereign Gold Bonds are the government securities denominated in...
Where will the Bill receivable discounted but not due till date of final accounts, be shown under?
From a machine that cost Rs.50,000 and has residual value of zero the following costs and revenues are expected to be derived over its life of 4 years:<...
Which of the following correctly describes the nature of a plant manager’s salary?
Identify the financial entity which does not belong to the World Bank Group ?
A setup in which group of individuals or entities decides to pool resources towards fulfilling a debt or financing a single borrower wherein the setup i...
Which of the following entity facilitates the guarantee under the Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS)?
Which among the following will not be considered a constituent of Tier 2 capital of AIFI according to BASEL III capital framework?
A. Reva...
As per the Economic Survey 2023-24, what was the growth rate of India's real GDP in FY24 compared to its level in FY20?
Which mutual fund house has renamed US Debt ETF Fund As US Treasury Bond 0-1 Year Fund Of Fund?