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Compensating variation in income method is used by Hicks to eliminate the income effect when price of a product is changed.
Which of the...
What does the two way rates quoted as 1$=82.10/11 ₹, mean?
In the preparation of a company's balance sheet, various classifications of capital are recorded to reflect the financial structure and ownership equity...
Which of the following is a potential benefit of investing in REITs?
Which category of Non-Resident retail investors are eligible to invest in Government Securities through the RBI Retail Direct Scheme?
Which government initiative aims to provide collateral-free loans to MSMEs, particularly for startups , under the category of Shishu , Kishore , an...
Which of the following is not a characteristic of bullion?
1) It is traded on commodity exchanges.
2) It is typically bought and sold base...
Adequacy of a bankrsquo;s liquidity position depends upon ________
What happens if a bank is called upon to honor its obligations under a guarantee or L/C on behalf of directors?
Consider the following statements regarding Contingency Fund of India
1. Currently, the Parliament has authorized a corpus of ₹30000 crore. ...