Lerner Index = (P-MC) / P Also, MR = MC for optimal output. So, Lerner Index = 10-5 / 10 =0.5
What is the initial corpus of the Agri-SURE fund unveiled by NABARD to promote innovation in agriculture and rural development?
- Who is the regulator of the corporate sector?
HDFC Bank launched GIGA, a financial product designed for which group of individuals?
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently revised the timeline for the completion of various stages of a Regulatory Sandbox (RS) to:
Under the revised framework for Commercial Papers (CPs), what is the requirement for settlement of primary issuance of CPs in terms of time?
What is the appropriate method for calculating the cost of inventory when there are significant fluctuations in purchase prices?
Which among the following is not a type of treasury bill issued in India ?
What is the minimum asset value required for a real estate project to be eligible for REIT listing?
The framework for establishing good corporate governance and accountability was originally set up by the:
How many independent directors should be there in a listed company?