Profit Maximization happens where P = MC Here, P = 25. But, at q=5 units; MC = 28 which is greater than the price received. Therefore, optimal quantity produced = 4 units.
Bio-control of Parthenium is
Infertility in male animals is caused due to the deficiency of
In the following given options, What is the importance of mitosis cell division?
Extension education was first time started in which country?
Sesame belongs to the plant family:
All India Soil Survey and Land Use Organisation was established during :
The concept of Krishi Vigyan Kendra was launched on the recommendation of which of the following committee?
What percentage of the world's cotton area does India have under cultivation?
Swarn Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) was launched by the Govt. of India with its effect from
The promising irrigation technique in rice crop is: