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I wish I have a motorbike; I can’t depend on the bus to reach my office on time.
Select the alternative that will improve the bold part of the sentence in case there is no improvement select “No improvement”.
Kalidasa ...
The intricacy of the artist's latest sculpture, absolutely blew out even the most seasoned art critics, leaving them in awe of its ingenuity."
...biomass energy solutions could (A)/ inadequate infrastructure limit their reach (B)/ while solar-powered irrigation and (C)/ transform agriculture, high...
Below is given a sentence with an emboldened part. The part may or may not be grammatically correct. The question is followed by three alterna...
The GST Council have to consider placing some aggregate data in the public domain to help policy research as binding data limitations hinder meaning...
It is refreshing to report that the piece is highly ambitious, biliously funny and right with the button .
The potential of India’s district hospital system to dramatically expansion accessing for quality secondary and tertiary health care has...
I am amazed at the body’s abilities to perform beyond expectation when nourished with some clean eating and sensible training.
...Potential damages of any breach of privacy of user data from Europe could cost Indian IT firms as manyas 4 per cent for their revenue .