Negative Production Externality (MSC > MPC) is whe re a firm’s decision to produce decreases the wellbeing of others, but the firm does not compensate those others. Examples include air and noise pollution from the production process, the dumping of waste and effects of deforestation .
A seller marked an item above its cost price and allows a discount of 25% on it. On the discounted price, the seller charges a packaging price which is ...
Article 'Q' is sold at a profit of 20% which earns a profit of Rs. 400. If Article 'Q' is marked 50% above its cost price and then sold after offering t...
Seema sold a laptop at a profit of 15%. If she had bought it at 10% less and sold it for ₹ 2,100 less, she would have gained 20%. What was the cost p...
A shopkeeper buying an item for Rs 6000 and marked it up by 33.33%. He vend it after giving two consecutive discounts of 20% and Rs 200 respectively. Ha...
A shopkeeper marked an article 60% above its cost price and made a profit of Rs. 297.6 when he sold the article after giving a discount of 22%. Find the...
A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 20%. If he had bought it at 10% loss and sold it for 74 more, he would have gained 30%. Find the pro...
A, B, and C started a business with a total investment of Rs. 8000, distributed in the ratio 1:4:3. After five months, A added Rs. n to his initial inve...
The profit made by selling an item for Rs. 1740 is double the loss incurred when it is sold for Rs. 1305. At what price should th...
Marked price, selling price and cost price of an article are in the ratio 13:10:8. If difference between marked price and cost price of an article is R...
An article sold for Rs. 140.60 yields a 48% profit. To achieve a 64% profit, what should be the new selling price?