There are three categories of support measures that are not subject to reduction under agreement and support within de-minimis. (under de-minimis provision, there is no requirement to reduce support if it falls under a certain limit; 10%for developing countries). (i) Green Box Subsidies: Measure which has minimum impact on trade, which meet the basic and policy specific criteria. Example, Government assistance on research, training, extension, pest and disease control, domestic food aids etc. (ii) Blue Box Subsidies: Direct payments under production limiting programmes comes under these. These are relevant for developed countries point of view only. (iii) Special and Differential treatment (S&D Box): Developing countries measures otherwise subject to reduction which meet the criteria set out in paragraph 2 of article 6 of the agreements comes under it. Example investment subsidies (generally for agriculture) and agricultural input services available to low income and poor producers in developing countries. The subsidies that are trade distorting comes under ‘Amber box’ and are covered under reduction commitment of WTO
A dishonest trader marks up his goods by 50% and then allows a discount of 20% on its marked price. Additionally, he uses a faulty scale which measures ...
The list price of an article is Rs.240 and a customer buys it for Rs.120 after two successive discounts. If the first discount is 20% then find the othe...
Find the cost price of the digital watch for the shopkeeper if he initially marked it at 80% above the cost price and later offered two successive disco...
Amit sold an electric iron for ₹ 5312 after giving a discount of 17% on the market price. Had he not given the discount, he would have earned a profit...
Ram gave a discount of 20% on the marked price of an item and still gained 10.4%. How much would have Ram gained, if he sold the item at the marked price?
The marked price of a pen and pencil are in the ratio of 5:6. The shopkeeper gives 20% discount on th pen. If the total discount on both the pen and the...
What is the single discount equivalent to the successive discounts of 10%, 20%, and 15%?
If the successive discounts of 7%, 20%, and p% are equivalent to a single discount of 40.56%, what is the value of p?
What is the effective discount percentage if a shopkeeper offers a scheme discount 'buy five and get one free'?
A shopkeeper offers the following two discount schemes.
A) Two successive discounts of 12% and 18%
B) Buy 6 get 3 free.
Which schem...