What are the two wild species from which most modern edible parthenocarpic bananas originate?
Frequencies of the classes are plotted by dots against the mid-points of each class and then the adjacent dots are connected by straight lines be called?
Inulin is a polymer of
____ infected larvae becomes flaccid, skin becomes fragile and it crawls to the top of the plant to hang upside down with the help of prolegs.
Which crop is suitable to prevent soil erosion?
Which of the following is largest and stoutest part of insect leg?
Metals generally have very high melting point. The metal which is exception to this property of metals is-
Tillers cut near base at 45° angle and developing buds or ripening grains chewed are the damaging symptoms of
Plantation of high water consuming trees for withdrawal of groundwater is termed as
Which of the following scheme is related to organic farming initiatives in India?