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ATC = AFC + AVC. AFC = TFC/Q. Put the values to get output.
On which coast of Africa is the Congo located?
What is the currency of Germany?
Which legendary sportsperson’s birthday is celebrated as National Sports Day in India every August 29th?
When kept in air for some time, a layer of green colored basic carbonate forms on the metal, that metal is ___________________ .
Every year 5th June is observed worldwide as World Environment Day. In 2018 the World Environment Day will be hosted by
What was the value of UPI transactions recorded in May 2024?
Suppliers and Creditors of a firm are interested in
Sugar mills have exported 9.39 lakh tonnes of the sweetener till the first week of December during the 2021-22 marketing year which is from ______ - ___...
Which city is known as the 'Big Apple'?
In which location did Narayana Guru establish a Sanskrit school?