PED = % change in qty/ % change in price 4 = 10%/% change in price % change in price = 2.5%. Since qty has increased, the price will fall by 2.5%.
Why are lysosomes referred to as "suicidal bags"?
Which one of the following plant nutrients is translocation regulator?
Black spot disease in roses is caused by _____
The fruits which ripen after being harvested from the plants, are termed as ………………………….
...A phenomenon of the premature shedding of fruit from a tree before they are fully ripe is called___
Papain is extracted from which of the following fruit?
A type of grafting in which shallow, downward and inward cut ensuring V-shape incision in lower portion of rootstock and matching cut on the scion is ma...
Which of the following plantation crop is popularly known as kalpvriksha?
Cutting of pseudostem after harvesting to facilitate mobilization of nutrients from mother plant to developing ratoon plant in banana is known as _____.
The fruit of banana is botanically a/an