Statement I: "In the simple linear regression model with an intercept, the regression slope when multiplied by the explanatory variable X will give the predicted Y." This statement is incorrect. In a simple linear regression model, the predicted value of Y is given by the equation y = β0 + β1X, The slope β1 when multiplied by X gives the change in Y for a unit change in X, but it does not give the predicted value of Y directly, we need to include intercept as well. Statement II: "In the simple linear regression model, the regression slope indicates by how many units Y increases, given a one-unit increase in X." This statement is correct. The slope β1in a linear regression model represents the change in the dependent variable Y for a one-unit change in the explanatory variable X.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is an intergovernmental organization of 13 countries, it was established in the year ____
When was the ‘One District Two Product Scheme’ implemented in Uttrakhand?
Mahatma Gandhi started the Salt Marchon 12March 1930 from:
Which among the following books is not written by Arundhati Roy?
Which of the following is NOT one of the three approaches that government has been following over the years to reduce poverty in India?
Match the points under List I with those under List II (mountain peaks and their heights).
List I (Mountain Peak) List II (Height in m)
Which is the second most important metallurgical industry in India?
What is the total FDI limit allowed in Pension Fund under NPS?
An 'out-worker' is expressly excluded from the definition of 'workman' under which one of the following legislations?
α particles are doubly charged ions of ________.