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The correct answer is B
Consider the following Statements.
Assertion (A): When we compare the distribution of workforce in rural and urban areas, we notice that the self...
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 came into force with effect from?
What is the central theme of Jal Shakti Abhiyan 2023?
Which of the following can be the features of a Green Economy.
I- low carbon
II- resource-efficiency
III- social Inclusivity
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act was a watershed moment in India’s history as it ensured full time eleme...
As per RBI guidelines, ‘Bulk Deposit’ in the case of RRBs mean a Single Term Deposit of _______ and above.
The Telecommunications Act, 2023 seeks to repeal which of the following existing legislative frameworks?
Under Mission Vatsalya, the support is extended to which of the following Non-Institutional Care?
Consider the following statement about the growth of Core sector?
I. There are eight sectors that are considered the core sectors.
II. The...
Which of the following is not related to the Aspirational district program?
I. Education
II. Health and nutrition
III. Agriculture ...