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Answer. a is correct. An architect is a person who plans and designs construction of buildings. An amateur is a person who does not have much skill in doing something. An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of God. An archer is another name for a bowman, or a person who uses a bow and arrow. Thus, only option ‘a’ is suitable for this question.
Sesame Phyllody disease caused by______
Mouthparts of insects vary to a great extend among insects of different groups depending upon their feeding habits. Type of mouth parts present in butt...
The earthworm that is considered as surface dwellers live near the soil surface is called as?
The characteristics of saline-alkali soils are
A. pH>8.5
B. pH<8.5
C. EC> 4 dS/m
D. EC<4 dS/m
E. ESP > 15 ...
Citronella is commercially propagated through
Recommendation to control weeds in pearl millet crop through herbicides is pre emergence application of?
The Gurgaon project in Punjab was initiated by
Green water is
Which of the following crop is incorrectly matched with its water requirement?
Which nematode genus is associated with a specific posture described as "slightly ventral curve"?