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prolonged means stretched impersonating means pretending to be someone else unprecedented means never happened earlier precarious means uncertain elusive means lost abrasive means biting
If A = (7)1/3 + (7) -1/3, then the value of {3A3 – 9A} will be:
If a:b:c = (1/6) :(1/8) :(1/5) , and a + b + c = 236, then find the value of (c - a) .
A train can cross a pole, a bridge of 720 meter long and platform of 640 meter long in 9 seconds, _____ seconds and 25 seconds, respectively.
Simplify the following expression: (8x - 6y - 5z) 2
If 3x + (1/3x) = 8 then find 27x3 + (1/27x3) = ?
If x = 6 + 2√5, then the value of √x - (1/√x)?
A sum of Rs. 25,000 is invested in SIP 'G' which offers 7% p.a. simple interest for 7 years. The interest received from SIP 'G' is invested in SIP 'H' w...
If x −y =4and xy =45,thenthevalueof x 3 −y3is: