Here, the noun ‘isolation’ is correct. Many countries continue advising home isolation and paracetamol for symptomatic relief during the onset of the disease.
Making an incision below a bud to retard its growth is called ?
Which fruit is most suitable for Jelly making ?
The term for the reversible changes in morphology and physiology that plants employ to respond to changes in environmental conditions is?
What is the reason behind cell elongation in internodal regions of plants?
What is the outcome of intercalary meristem activity?
The largest exporter of floricultural in the world is ……………………
Cauliflorous bearing habit i.e fruits are borne on trunk and branches, is found in which horticultural crop?
Which of the following is not a type of layering done in plants?
Which of the following fruit crops is known for its high salt tolerance?
Pusa Majestic is a variety of ________