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"Savage" is a term used to describe someone or something that is wild, uncivilized, or lacking in cultural development. Tribal: "Tribal" relates to or refers to a social group or community that is organized based on shared customs, traditions, and cultural practices. Aborigine: "Aborigine" refers to an indigenous inhabitant or native person, particularly associated with specific regions or countries.
Which of the following is the concept of seed village?
The degree of unsaturation of lipids can be measured as
Clostridium bacteria is responsible for spoilage of
For the analysis of variance of data from plot sampling in a CRD with 't' treatments, ‘r’ replications and 's' sampling units per plot, sampling err...
White rust in mustard is caused by:
Which of the following is/are the National referral laboratory/(ies) nominated and funded by APEDA?
Which of the following green manure crop shows stem nodulation?
Keratin, a structural protein is present is ____
The spacing requirement for short duration rice variety is _____________ under medium and low fertility soils in Tamil Nadu.
Kadaknath, popular for its black meat is an Indian breed of ____