
    Direction : In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One these words printed in bold might either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of the word is your answer. If the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (E), i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer.

    On the flip (A) side, sets of tiger reserves that

    share less genetic variation (B) must have barrier (C) or landscapes that impede (D) movement and connectivity.
    A flip Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B variation Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C barrier Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D impede Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All correct Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Here, ‘barriers’ is correct. WE can understand this because if it was ‘barrier’ alone, the article ‘a’ would have preceded it and we can see that we are talking about a set of tiger reserves, hence ‘barriers’ is only correct. On the flip side, sets of tiger reserves that share less genetic variation must have barriers or landscapes that impede movement and connectivity.

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