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When I went to see her today at her house, her face was completely pale. The family members visited the temple all together last week. Pale – yellowish Pail – a bucket Altogether is an adverb and means ‘completely’. All together – everything or everyone together, in a group.
Which one of the following cannot apply for Hygiene rating scheme
Norin 10 is dwarfing gene of
Conversion of rotary motion into mechanical power to move the vehicle wheels is done by
A minimum of how many satellites would required to cover the entire agricultural area of india under the “ Bharat Krishi Satellite Programme”?
When a cross is made between offspring and its recessive parent , it is known as
Clay soil contains which type of pores to a large extent?
The plant growth regulator increases the flower size of geranium and accelerates flowering in cyclamen:
What is the correct definition of "Fingerling" in fisheries terminology?
Which of the following combination of slope percent and class of land is/are correct?
Insecticide Act was enacted on