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The word ‘squabble’ means ‘an argument over something that is not important’. The Klamath, which flows through Oregon and Northern California and into the Pacific Ocean, is suffering from drought and infrastructure problems. That’s caused trouble, not just for the fish in the river, but also for the tribes and farmers who rely on it for day-to-day living. Drought conditions are so bad this year that the U.S. Department of Agriculture allocated $15 million to support farmers who don’t have enough water for their crops. Klamath Basin tribes are also struggling to feed their people, but so far they haven’t received such support. In fact, the Pacific Fisheries Management Council cut back the Yurok Tribe’s salmon allotment to little more than half of what is needed. The water in the lower basin is too warm. Why? There isn’t enough water in the river for it to flow properly, so it stagnates in the sun. This is partly owing to drought — and to constant squabbles over water rights upstream — but it’s made worse by dams. Warm water allows fish diseases to spread more easily, which is why a massive number of juvenile salmon died this year on their way to the ocean.
Which letter cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?
Select the option figure which is embedded in the given figure (Rotation is NOT allowed).
Select the option that is related to the third letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
<...Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets.
Four different positions of the same dice are given below. Find the number opposite of 23.
Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
3, 12, ?, 39, 57, 78