Only option (iv) is not mentioned in the passage here - limited liability partnership agreement and changes to it, notice of appointment, cessation, changes in the name, address or designation of a partner or designated partner, annual or interim statement of account and solvency and annual return of the LLP.
How many such pair(s) of letters are in the word “ MINISTERS ” which has as many letters between them (both forward and backward) as in the English ...
Find which one of the given words cannot be made from the letters of the word ‘COMPANIONSHIP’ .
If all the vowels in the word ‘POLARISED’ are changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical order and all the consonants remain the same th...
If we increase each even digit by 1 and decrease each odd digit by 1 in the number "8753652846" and then arrange all the digits in ascending order, then...
If third letter from the left end of each word from each group is to be considered, then which among the following group of words can make at least one ...
If all the number 927483651 are arranged in ascending order from left to right, the position of how many numbers will remain unchanged?
Which of the following letter will be 5th letter from the right end if the letters of the word “LUMINOUS” are arranged in reverse alphabe...
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘DEPARTMENT’ each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alpha...
The position of how many alphabets will remain unchanged if each of the alphabets in the word ‘ PERFORMANCE ’ is arranged in alphabetical order from...
Statements: K ≤ L ≤ M =N, P ≥ O ≥ N
I. O > L
II. O= L
III. P ≥ K