That explosive ‘realization’ liberates the self from the perpetual tyranny of being trapped in a relationship to life.
Jiya, Kavya, Shivam, and Mani start walking from the same point in the same direction around a rectangular track and each one of them completes one roun...
The ratio of two numbers is 5: 8 and their LCM is 320. What is the difference between these two numbers?
LCM of two numbers is 12 times their HCF. The product of the numbers is 25920. What will be the maximum possible difference between the numbers?
The sum and difference of the Least Common Multiple (L.C.M) and Highest Common Factor (H.C.F) of two numbers are 216 and 184, respectively. One of the ...
Three boys runs around a circular track and takes 20 min, 25 min and 30 min respectively to complete the one round. When do they all come relatively to ...
The HCF of 5453 and 6409 is 221, their LCM is:
Find the smallest number which when divided by 3, 4, 5 and 6 gives remainder ‘2’ in each case?
Find the total number of Prime factor in the given expression?
315× 56× 68
The LCM of two numbers is 12 times their HCF. The sum of LCM and HCF is 403 and if both the number are smaller than their LCM. Find both the numbers?
Sum of the two numbers is 42. LCM and HCF of that two number is 72 and 6 respectively. Find the sum of reciprocals of the numbers?