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In the field of economics, which is fast turning out to be something of an Achilles heel for this government, the criticism is mostly misplaced, and not based on policy but on politics. For instance, there was a huge uproar over rising petroleum prices. Reams were written and hours of airtime spent in informing people of the quantum of taxes levied on petroleum products. Besides the fact that these taxes have been there forever and were not in troduced by this government, it was quite a spectacle to see how the very people who raised hell over the rising prices, switched tack and started clobbering the government for cutting some taxes and indulging in cheap populism to bring down the prices of petroleum. The same trend was visible on the GST issue.
What led to India's self-sufficiency in cotton production in the mid-1970s?
Steam engine is an example of
The spread of numerical value from the mean value is called?
What is quantum yield in relation to the growth of plants?
Biological control of apple woolly aphid is _____
Japanese arrangement of flowers is known as:
The brix value in sugarcane juice gives an estimate of:
Chlorophyll c is found in?
Unit less measure of dispersion is